Bright Ideas from People, Places and Research — Canberra Restorative Community

Bright Ideas from People, Places and Research: Canberra on the journey to become a Restorative City

As part of the background work to the ACT Law Reform Advisory Council (LRAC) Final Report on Canberra as a Restorative City, a number of interviews were held with those affected by the two systems being considered by LRAC: child protection and Public Housing disputes. Written submissions were also received. LRAC’s Executive Officer, Fiona Tito Wheatland, held face-to-face consultations with organisations and groups, and conducted secondary research on data in Government publications, locally, nationally and internationally. The Evidence Paper entitled Bright Ideas from People, Places and Research provided a comprehensive record of the journey and knowledge to date. The Evidence Paper reflects “bright Ideas” gathered in the course of the research and the views and experiences shared by those who participated. Bright Ideas was released in November 2019.

Here is Bright Ideas for your information and reference.
